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Civic Alert app for iPhone and iPad

4.6 ( 4016 ratings )
Utilities Lifestyle
Developer: Asociatia CIVIC ALERT
Current version: 1.3, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 24 Nov 2015
App size: 6.31 Mb

Civic Alert a fost creata pentru a facilita contactul dintre cetateni si administratiile publice. Ori de cate ori veti dori sa inaintati orice sesizare, reclamatie, petitie, plangere, propunere sau initiativa ce are legatura cu spatiul civic si domeniul public, veti putea face acest lucru in mai putin de 30 de secunde, urmand trei pasi simpli:
1. Fotografie - faceti o poza reprezentativa pentru problema dumneavoastra si incarcati-o in aplicatie;
2. Geolocatie - specificati adresa unde se gaseste problema dumneavoastra: se poate folosi localizarea automata sau adresa poate fi introdusa manual;
3. Categorie - selectati categoria in cadrul careia problema dumneavoastra se incadreaza, avand la dispozitie mai multe optiuni precum: strazi si iluminat public, apa si canalizare, trafic rutier si parcari, gunoi si vandalism, parcuri si spatii verzi, transport in comun etc.

Noi ne vom asigura de faptul ca toate sesizarile dumneavoastra, odata ce vor fi validate, vor ajunge direct catre administratia publica competenta, in forma legala ceruta de catre aceasta, precum si ca vom urmari tot procesul fiecarei sesizari, pana la finalizare, pastrandu-va tot timpul informat.

Pentru a putea fi in contact permanent cu noi, pentru a vedea automat statutul alertelor dumneavoastra si pentru a primi notificari, va fi necesar sa va inregistrati folosind adresa dumneavoastra de e-mail sau contul de Facebook.

IMPORTANT: Descarcarea aplicatiei reprezinta acceptul furnizarii serviciilor Civic Alert si a T&C:


Civic Alert allows instant and direct connection between citizens and public authorities, whenever someone wants to file a complaint, request, petition or initiative, regarding anything concerning the public domain and the civic space.

In three easy steps and less than 30 seconds you can create a new Alert:
1. Photo - take a photo of your problem;
2. Geolocation - use automatic location or type the address you want;
3. Category - select the category your problems fits in, from a wide range of possibilities (road traffic and parking, streets and public lighting, garbage and vandalism, parks and green spaces, public transport, constructions, water and sewerage, etc.)

Based on the subject of each Alert, the proper documentation is sent to the concerning public authority, following the correct procedure. Each Alert is then tracked until the final result, keeping the citizen and authorities connected and updated along the process.

IMPORTANT: By downloading or using the Civic Alert app, you agree to the terms & conditions of services used: